Tag Archives: Moonraker 78


So you live in Eastern Massachusetts and you have a boring week ahead. Take this Wednesday, for instance: Nothing to do! The Red Sox didn’t make the World Series, so you won’t be watching the game. TV is dead on Wednesday nights, and you can’t go out drinking (OK, shouldn’t), ’cause you’ve got work the [...]

James Bond Returns…in Moonraker ’78

If you’ve watched a few James Bond movies (OK, even one), you know that Ian Fleming’s super-spy can escape anyone’s clutches; now, a 007 fan film has done the same thing. As noted on FCT back in June, MGM forced YouTube to take down the classic fan production, Moonraker ’78, even though the flick had [...]

Non-U.S. Fan Film News

I have lots of little news items that have been lying around, and for some reason, they all concern countries other than the one that monopolizes fan films—the U.S. I meant to give each of these its own massive post, but I think a general catch-all is in order instead, like a giant meeting of [...]

More On Studios Stopping Fan Films

Last week, I wrote how MGM shot down a classic James Bond fan film, mentioning in passing that the studio has a history of money troubles. Now The New York Times has revealed that the finances are worse than anybody thought: MGM is choking on $3.7 billion in debt, forcing it to cough up more [...]

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