Monthly Archives: November 2007

Finally, The Fan Film Book Has A Cover!

Here it is, after about 18 different attempts: At the top, is a behind-the-scenes shot from Star Wars: Revelations and the bottom is from a promo shot of Chris, the head of Blinky Productions which makes those great Blue Bettle and Power Girl movies. function change_color(input, id) { var obj = document.getElementById(id); if (obj) { [...]

Homemade Hollywood and James Bond

To quote the not-so-great Jim Anchower, “I know it’s been a long time since I rapped at ya,” but it’s been busy around here, between writing, working and presentations. In fact, one of my fan film presentations got mentioned in a Newsday article on Hofstra University’s recent academic symposium on James Bond. I held back [...]

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